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From Teen to Teen:

Dealing with Grief and its Impact

Dealing with grief and loss is hard at any age, but having to navigate it while going through one of the most developmental stages of your life just makes it that much harder. There’s limited information online specifically catered for teens, and most of the time that information is for the parent of a teen. As a teen myself, I wanted to create an easily accessible platform with reliable information to educate as well as help teens navigate and cope with grief, in ways that worked for me.

About Me

Hi! My name is Addison Thomas. I am currently 17 years old living in florida. When I was 14, I lost my dad to a short and unexpected battle with pancreatic cancer. I had to deal with moving to a different country, finding a new home, starting a new school, and my dad’s diagnosis all at once. I want to help other teens work through grief by supplying them information and tips that are researched, reliable, and helpful, and maybe help them feel a little less alone in what they’re going through. Mental health is extremely important in any context, but especially within a developing brain going through a traumatic experience.

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